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Pleural Effusions and Disease.

Malignant pleural Effusion and CT

Review Article from Oxford in 2017 1

Sign Sensitivity Average Specificity Mean
Nodular Pleural Thickening 18-53% 30% 87-100% 95%
Mediastinal Pleural Thickening 14-74% 50% 68-97% 92%
Parietal thickening >1cm 7-47% 25% 64-98% 90%
Circumferential thickening 7-54% 30% 63-100% 90%

But circumferential thickening is less specific if there is a pleural effusion.

Also Real world study quoting for CT as 'malignant'2 - Sensitivity = 68%, - Specificity = 78%, - PPV = 80% - NPV = 65%

  1. Hallifax RJ. et al, Resp Med 124 (2017) 88-89 

  2. R.J. Hallifax, et al., Role of CT in assessing pleural malignancy prior to thoracoscopy, Thorax 70 (2) (2015) 192e193.