Multiple |
Fractured |
LeFort I |
Anterolateral margin of the nasal fossa. |
LeFort II |
Inferior Orbital Rim |
LeFort III |
Zygomatic Arch |
Not fractured |
Medial = Naso-orbito-ethmoidal complex. Markowitz & Manson |
Type 1 -> Medial canthal tendon is intact and connected to a single large fracture fragment. |
Type II -> Fracture comminuted but the tendon is attached to a single bone fracture. |
Type III -> Comminution extends to the medial canthal tendon insertion site on the anterior medial orbital wall at the level of the lacrimal fossa leading to tendon avulsion. |
Lateral = Zygomaticomaxillary complex |
One or a few only |
Mandible = Characterised by location. |
Orbital Fractures |
Frontal Sinus Fractures |
Alveolar Process |
Nasal Bone |