Guillan - Barre Syndrome
No guidance on diagnosis 2021.
No entry 2021
Dynamed 2021 1
Radiology not listed in the diagnostic section and not listed in the 'Brighton Collaberation'.
They use degrees of certainty from low to high. With a high one including :
- Clinical diagnosis ( defined in the document ),
- CSF WCC <50 & protein raised.
- Electrophysiology in keeping with Diagnosis.
Differential Diagnosis 1
Divided into: [This does not look like a great Diff]
- Neuromuscular / Neurological
- Brainstem / Cord Compression.
- Transverse Myelitis / ADEM .
- Acute onset of CIDP ( or now called CIDM).
- Encephalitis
- Leptomeningeal malignancy
- Muscular Condition
- Dermatomyositis
- Mitochondrial Disease
- Polymyositis.
- Acute Rhabdomyolysis.
- Acute Porphyria.
- DM (??).
- Vasculitis.
- Infections
- Botulinism
- Lyme
- Polio
- West Nile encephalomyelitis
- Metabolic & Nutrional.
- Hypoglycaemia
- Hypokalaemia
- Hypermagnesemia
- Hypophosphataemia
- Thiamine Deficiency = Wernkckes.
- Medication & Toxins.
- Alcohol Intoxication.
- Animal toxins = tick, snakes
- Arsenic, lead and other heavy metal poisoning.
- Hexacarbon abuse. = Glues.
- OPs.
- Others.
So, looking at that. The main role for imaging is going to be:
Structural lesions in the cervical spine and possibly lower such as myelitis, external compression.