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AML. The role of CT

CT C/A/P is used frequently for 'staging' for AML in WSHT.

Why? Not obviously in any guidelines and the staging systems do not include either assessment of stage nor grade based on CT findings nor assessment of response. 3

'Well it allows us to separate those who we will be sending for autograft and those who we will not be.

'Started as a chest to make sure there is nothing lurking due to the immunosuppression and dangers from the induction chemo'

So, seems like a 'wunscherfullung' expansion into the 'global prognostics' domain.

Will demonstrate other pathologies which can lead to confusion, delay and potential mis or delayed treatment. ( Case with confusion over lytic lesions ?? myeloma needing WBMRI after a CT body )

Diagnosis and Staging


Evidence about role and Efficacy of CT in AML.

Nil that I can find about role of CT.

Nil in the BSH about this. Only AML in pregnancy. 1

NCCN 2 says use it for - ? Extramedullary disease (rare) = use PET-CT. - Neuro dis & complications = Use MR with Gd or CT for haem.

Nil that I can find demonstrating CT effective in classifying patients.



  3. DynaMed [Internet]. Ipswich (MA): EBSCO Information Services. 1995 - . Record No. T114798, Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML); [updated 2018 Dec 04, cited 3/8/20]. Available from