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Brain Mets

Parenchyma, leptomeninges, pachymeninges and skull.

General 1

10 Brain Mets : 1 Primary Brain Tumour.
30% of brain mets present as solitary lesion.

Incidence: 14 per 100K py (Sweden 2006). Increasing due to improved management of primary disease and more x-sectional on the dying. Note increased risk of brain mets relapse in Herceptin treated patients.

Prognosis: Very poor
Median survival in WBRT treated cohort from unsorted tumours = 3.4 months
OS = 6% at 2 yrs & 2% at 5 yrs


Primary Freq Site Skull Mets Pachymeningeal Lepto / CSF Radiology
Breast 15% Cerebellum / Post.Fossa 50% of calvarial 34% are Breast ++
Lung 17% Parietal / Occipital 13% are lung ++
Renal 11%
Melanoma 8% +
Prostate 40% of skull base 17% are prostate
Lymphoma 8% of skull base +++
H+N 10% are H+N

Renal incidence seems too high and breast / lung too low for Worthing.

Parenchymal Mets

Usually at grey-white matter interface or watersheds
-- 80% Cerebral hemispheres
-- 15% Cerebellum
-- 5% Basal Ganglia

Nearly 50% are solitary especially Renal / GI / Urogynae.
Multiple tend to be Breast / Lung / Melanoma

- Melanoma (and melanin is paramagnetic)
- Thyroid
- Renal

- Lung
- Breast

Vasogenic Oedema:
- Lung >>
- Breast >
- Oesophageal

Don't forget PCNSL

Pachymeningeal Mets

aka Dural mets.
Prognosis is good at 2x that of parenchymal & leptomeningeal mets
~ 34% invade underlying brain. ( ~50% of these have vasogenic oedema )
~ 44% of dural mets have 'dural tail' sign.
Most are frontal and parietal.


FLAIR + T1 post Gd (volumes).
NB: Look at the CN for enhancement.
Site: (in frequency order)

  1. Cerebellum
  2. Occipital lobe
  3. VII / VIII CNs
  4. Lateral Ventricle ependymal surfaces.

Approach to Solitary lesion.

30% present as Solitary lesions.

  1. Mets vs Primary: Look at periphery as it is cells + oedema in a primary vs just oedema in a met. But there are no very clear answers from the use of advanced imaging.
  2. Met/Primary vs Abscess: ADC especially in centre is useful in cystic / ring enhancing lesions as low ADC is relatively maintained in abscesses. But GBM can be low ADC
  3. High Grade Glioma vs Met: is very difficult.

All advanced imaging has inconsistent findings in reviews of literature.

Post-Treatment Change.

Pseudo-progression is a thing post SRS (and other ones as well),
6 to 8 weeks Post-Treatment
Seen in UP TO 1/3
Better prognosis with 2 months increase in OS

Signs of Pseudo-progression, include:
- Increase size of lesion.
- Central decrease T2.
- Blurred peripheral enhancement.
- Increase perilesional oedema.

  1. Sahdev A and Vinnicombe S. Husband & Resnek Imaging in Oncology. CRC Press 2020.