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Supratentorial Malformations

Abnormalities of Neuronal / Grey Matter development.

Mature cerebral cortex has 6 layers. Cells start in germinal matrix of cerebral cortex along the margins of the lateral ventricles in 3 stages:

  1. Neuronal proliferation = cells form in the germinal matrix.
  2. Neuronal migration = cells move to the periphery.
  3. Neuronal organization = cells form normal cortex.

Abnormalities of Neuronal Proliferation.

1) Hemimegalencephaly

S+S: Seizures, mostly severe.
Path: Hamartomatous / dysplastic overgrowth of whole of one cerebral hemisphere.
- Increase in size of one hemi and skull
- Venticle is LARGER on affected side.
- ++ Blood flow -> More rapid myelination.
- Heterotopia / Polymicrogyria

Variants: Can affect only part of a hemisphere and thus cross over with FCD.

2) Focal Cortical Dysplasia (FCD)

S+S: Seizures, incidental, Delayed development.

Type I
Path: Focal abnormal proliferation of abnormal cells. Radiology: Best seen on T1.
- Type Ia: Abnormal Radial Lamination - Type Ib: Abnormal Tangential Lamination
- Type Ic: Both.

Type II
Path: Dysmorphic neurons.
- Type IIa: Rad= Not obvious as IIb.
- Type IIb: Balloon cells = 'Taylor-type' = Tubers in TSC.

  • Rad: 'Transmantle' sign = High T2 in blurred cortex which tapers in the direction of the lateral ventricle margin (mostly sup-lat).

Type III
Path: Associated with other lesions.
- Type IIIa: with Hippocampal sclerosis.
- Type IIIb: with Tumour.
- Type IIIc: with Vascular Injury.
- Type IIId: with Parenchymal Injury.

Abnormalities of Neuronal Migration.

1) Heterotopia

Path: Neurons fail to migrate to periphery of brain. Rad: Abnormal site of grey matter, mostly nodular. T1 or DWI : Best.

a) Periventricular Nodular Heterotopia (PVNH)
- Most common type. Mostly around trigones
- Uni or bilateral.
- Multi or unifocal.
- SS= Incidental , seizures.

b) Subcortical Heterotopia
- Clusters or multifocal.
- Often with PVNH.
- Occasionally creates line from ventricle to cortex (DD: Schizencephaly)

c) Band-like Heterotopia
- Parallels cortex.
- Typically bilateral and symmetrical.
- Complete or Partial (posterior parts mostly incomplete)
- Often with lissencephaly.

Abnormalities of Neuronal Organization.

Normal cortex is 6 layers and has adequate sulcation.
Path: Signalling mechanism disruptions due to genetics, infection, ischaemia in utero.

a) Polymicrogyria
- Symmetrical tends to be genetic. Ca2+ tends to be TORCH esp CMV.
- Rad: Multiple but smaller +/- nodular gyri.
b) Schizencephaly
- Follows from a transmantle (ventricle->periphery) parenchymal injury.
- Rad: Cleft from ventricle to subarachnoid space, ++/- polymicrogyria lined.
- Can be bilateral, and subtle therefore LOOK!
- Types:
-- Closed Lip: thin volume of tissue (DD:Transmantle heterotopia but the CLS will have irregular contour in the lateral ventricle).
-- Open Lip: large volume of tissue loss and thus obvious.

Disorders Corpus Callosal Formation

~ 130 Genetic syndromes associated with CC abns. Most will cause severe SS.

Agenesis of Corpus Callosum

- Absence of CC, Cingulate gyrus.
- Radiating gyri from III (Sag) with III in direct continuity with interhemispheric fissure.
- Parallel configuration of lateral ventricles.
- Large atria and occcipital horns of lateral ventricles (colphocephaly)
- +/- Interhemispheric arachnoid cyst / cystic meningeal dysplasia.

Probst Bundles = fibres that would have crossed the midline instead run in AP plane along medial margins of ventricles.
DD: in F look for coloboma ~ AICARDI SYNDROME

Dysgenesis of Corpus Callosum

Path: Broad spectrum = Partial absence, abnormal morph, short AP dimension, general thinning.

NB: General thinning associated with WM injury or loss ( associated Wallerian degeneration ).

Meninx primitiva (Neural Crest Mesenchyme) remnants => Midline Lipoma. These are often on dorsal surface of posterior CC, which is often dysplastic and assoc'd CHIARI II

Holoprosencephaly Spectrum

Path: Failure of cleavage of Prosencephalon (embryologic forebrain) into hemispheres.
Spectum from ALOBAR -> SEMILOBAR -> LOBAR.

All at risk of pituitary / endocrine abn , cleft palate and other midlines.

Type Interhemispheric Fissure Thalami Corpus Callosum Ventricles Septum Pellucidum Other
Alobar None / Minimal Fused Absent / Dysplastic Dysmorphic Monoventricle Absent Azgous ACA, Single incisor
Semilobar Minimal Variable fusion vs dysmorphia Dysplastic Dysmorphic monoventricle Absent
Lobar Partial Separate, usu N. Mild dysplasia Dysmorphic Ventricles Absent
Syntelencephaly Mostly present Normal Usu N, occ mid-CC dysplasia Mildly dysmorphic Absent Vertically orientated sylvian fissures.
Septo-optic Dysplasia Present Normal Normal / Mild dysplasia Mostly normal Absent ON Hypoplasia, ectopic neurohypophysis, schizencephaly


Mild end of spectrum. aka "Middle Hemispheric variant"
Rad/Path: Only abnormality in Telencephalon
- Fully formed CC +/- mid-CC dysplasia.
- Interhemispheric bridge of parenchyma ( = Telencephalic bridge)
- Vertical orientation of sylvian fissure.

Septo-Optic Dysplasia

Some consider to be the mildest of the Holoprosencephalies.
- Absence of Septum Pellucidum
- +/- ON hypoplasia (often the indication for the exam )
- +/- Ectopic neurohypophysis.

Lissencephaly / Pachygyria / Agyria Spectrum 1

Spectrum of conditions with smooth relatively featureless contour of brain
NB: Diff = Premature!! Now viewed as Lissencephaly Spectrum subsuming pachygyria and agyria. And with Subcortical band heterotopia at the other end.

See 1 for upto date classification system and correlation with clinical features = at end of the pdf.

Lissencephaly Smooth 4 layered cortex.
Pachygyria Thick, featureless cortex.
Agyria No gyri. Thus, no sulci except sylvian fissure.

  1. Donato, Barkovich, Dubyns et al, Lissencephaly: expanded imaging and clinical classificationAm J Med Genet A. 2017 June ; 173(6): 1473–1488. doi:10.1002/ajmg.a.38245. Zotero+